Section Product Groups - Type 1

Boxed package with big price and CTA button

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Section Product Groups - Type 1

Bordered package with big price and CTA button

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Section Product Groups - Type 2

Boxed package where the price is shown as link style button

Section Product Groups - Type 2

Bordered package where the price is shown as link style button

Section Product Groups - Type 3

Condensed package in boxed style, where the price is shown as link style button

Section Product Groups - Small Icon

Product group with small icon

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Section Product Groups - SVG Icon

Product group with predefined Lagom icon

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Section Product Groups - SVG Illustration

Product group with predefined Lagom illustration

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Section Product Groups - Slider

Product group with custom graphic and content slider

Product group with custom graphic and content slider

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Product group with custom graphic and content slider

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Product group with custom graphic and content slider

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Product group with custom graphic and content slider

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Section Product Group - Tabs

Product group with multiple groups shown as tabs